
I would like to Thank everyone at Real Property Management Services for all their support and help over the years. Had a very good experience during my time dealing with your office and staff

Alexa JHotel Investor

Services provided are extremely professional, detailed, efficient and timely. Staff most helpful, polite and knowledgeable. Excellent service that I would highly recommend. You can feel confident and secure using this very trustworthy establishment.

Sarah BoveyBusiness Owner

RPM provided outstanding service and were trustworthy. They handled all my tenant concerns professionally and with care.

James PageGTA

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Emma SmithHotel Owner

Rest assured that we are really satisfied with your company`s services … We will keep RPM Services in mind for any future needs of our self or those of family and friends.

Charles DugON


Huge experience in managing properties across canada, we have established a reputation for meeting and exceeding our customer’s property management needs.

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